About Mark

‘I Thank Elvis Presley movies for my unflinching belief that Pigeon holes are for pigeons and labels are for kids clothes and lunch boxes’

I’m a child of the 60’s and grew up with Elvis movies playing in the background throughout my early life. And you only had to watch a few of these movies to realise that Elvis could drive a racing car, fly helicopters, sail boats, be a rodeo rider, a boxer, fly on a trapeze, dive from high cliffs, be a tour guide, a writer, work on a fairground, be a water ski instructor, a doctor, a scuba diver, a photographer, drive a tank in the army, fix cars, do karate, box, and always end up with the girl. All of this while singing and dancing… The guy was a Legend, and I wanted to be Elvis.

So imagine my poor teachers when they asked what I wanted to be and do when I left school! Even now, as I fast approach my 61st birthday, I still have no desire to settle into someones neat little box, and in my humble opinion neither should you.

You should be everything you want to be, regardless of what anyone else may say or think. I have one simple rule of thumb: I will be, do and go for what ever I want, just so long as it doesn’t take away from someone else or interfere with their life journey in any way that is negative.

And so today I’m a Barber. Tomorrow I may be a Hypnotist, coach and Author, and next week I may be a Trainer or a singer/songwriter or I may just hang out at home with my partner and our crazy dogs