Sessions Page

Fountain Therapies in Handcross, West Sussex, is home for all sessions unless otherwise stated.

Breakthrough Anxiety and Phobias

We all know how debilitating anxiety and phobias can be. From struggling with nerves over an upcoming test or interview, or a fear of flying ruining your holiday plans, or a fear of spiders stopping you clearing out the garden shed. Whatever it is, I can help you transform how you view the experience and destroy the hold it has over you. This is a proven 90 minute session created specifically to breakthrough any anxiety or phobia.

Your investment is £97

Breakthrough Smoking

This 4-hour Bespoke Breakthrough session is designed with one outcome in mind; To stop you smoking, ‘Whatever It Takes…’ If you are truly committed to stopping smoking, then this session is for you. I really don’t believe in One-Size-Fits-All therapies. With that in mind, your session will be unlike any other treatments that you may have heard of or even tried! Your session will have no pre-planned structure and will be created based on all the triggers and discoveries that I make during the actual session itself. It may involve a blend of Hypnosis, NLP and Time Line Threapy with perhaps a little hint of Life Coaching and Goal Mapping, or it may not! I have gathered together so many ideas, tools and techniques over the past 30 years, that I know by experience what needs to be done to achieve your required outcome.

Your Investment is £297

Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs

If you believe you can, you can. If you believe you can’t, you probably won’t even turn up and try. limiting beliefs are something you believe to be true about yourself, about others, or about the world in general, that limits you in some way. These beliefs may hold you back from taking chances, keep you blind to opportunities on your path, or simply keep you stuck, focused on the negative aspects of your present circumstances.

  • I’m not very smart/pretty/interesting/funny.

  • My brother/sister is the successful/lucky/special one.

  • Money is hard to come by, I just just can’t make enough.

  • I’m not cut out for that job.

  • That activity is really more of a guy/girl thing.

  • Men/women are liars and will always be unfaithful to me.

  • Relationships always end in heartbreak.

  • Nobody loves their job. Work is supposed to be boring at best, miserable at worst.

  • Women/men are manipulative and can’t be trusted.

  • I am not worthy of being loved.

  • Only lucky people succeed at what they care about.

  • Nobody is really all that happy.

  • The only way to get what you want is to be dishonest.

  • I’m not good enough.

The most challenging thing with limiting beliefs, is that they are often buried deep, and we don’t always realise they’re there or just how powerful they can be. Often, life just appears to be “happening” to us, and it isn’t until we begin to notice the negative patterns playing out again and again, that we stop and say: Why does this keep on happening to me. Why are they getting the breaks? And I hear it around me all the time  ‘It’s not fair, bad things shouldn’t happen to nice people’ ‘It’s not fair, I work hard all year and I still can’t afford it’ It’s not fair, they got the break, the girl, the guy, the promotion, the car, the money…’ And it all starts with a set of limiting beliefs.

So here’s the exciting news: Limiting beliefs are just programs, and like all programs they can be changed, all you need is great set of tools and a Master technician, Ta-Dah!

You investment starts from £97